
This section lists issues - problems on the street network and related matters.

Issues always relate to some geographical location, whether very local or perhaps city-wide.

You can create a new issue using the button on the right.

Listed issues, most recent first, limited to the area of Peterborough Cycle Forum:

  • A16 Norwood Improvements - development of 80-hectare site

    Created by Rosamund Humphrey (Admin Officer) // 1 thread

    The Peterborough Local Plan identifies the required delivery of 19,440 new homes and 17,600 new jobs by 2036.

    The 80-hectare Norwood site will provide 2,000 dwellings, a local centre and primary school. Delivery of the development has been sl=plit into two phases. The first phase includes up to 870 dwellings and auxiliary uses, including a primary school and local centre, and will initially be accessed via Newborough Road. The second phase will complete the build. 

    Development of 945 dewellings, a local centre, a primary school and a secondary school has already begun at the Paston Reserve (adjacent to the Norwood site).

    The project requires improvements along the A16 corridor including a new access roundabout with the A16 and a new junction with Newborough Road. The plan is to connect the two points of access with an internal road. 

    Highways England have agreed in principle to the proposed interventions.  

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  • Highway Code changes

    sound+fury // 1 thread

    A bill is being put forward to sentence any cyclist convicted of dangerous cycling to a 14 year prison term.

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  • Traffic management works that are bad for cyclists and pedestrians

    Created by Cllr Ian Manning // 8 threads

    I've recently moved to be the Lib Dem lead on the County Council's Highways & Infrastructure committee.

    I want to start working through in detail bad and good TM examples with officers to understand whether it's specific sets of contractors that are poor, whether they aren't compliant with the current policy and/or whether I agree with our officers about whether they are.

    For this I need a Cambridgeshire wide list of both good and bad, with locations - so it would be good to get some from Cambridge and other nearby Cycle Campaigns.

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  • DfT Policy Paper - Inclusive Transport Strategy

    Created by Matthew // 1 thread

    Lots of interesting stuff about inclusive transport regarding trains, buses, cars, public realm, streets and yes a bit about cycling too. Quotes:

    Shared Space:

    8.11 While we consider CIHT and DPTAC’s recommendations and how to take them
    forward, we are requesting that local authorities pause any shared space schemes
    incorporating a level surface they are considering, and which are at the design stage.
    We are also temporarily suspending Local Transport Note 1/11. This pause will allow
    us to carry out research and produce updated guidance.

    Objectives regarding Cycling:

    • Update Local Transport Note 2/08, which sets out the Department’s guidance to
    local authorities on designing safe and inclusive infrastructure for cyclists, to take
    account of developments in cycling infrastructure since its publication in 2008 and
    the responses to the draft AAP consultation and publish a revised version by early
    • By 2020, explore the feasibility of amending legislation to recognise the use of
    cycles as a mobility aid71 in order to increase the number of disabled people

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  • Cambridgeshire Local Highway Improvement (LHI) Initiative funding

    Created by Daniel Thomas // 1 thread

    Every year there is funding available through Cambridgeshire County Council's Local Highway Improvement (LHI) Initiative to improve county highways. Organisations can submit proposals to improve highways and we should do so to bring about improvements to cycling and walking infrastructure.

    This article describes our successful test case submission for LHI funding:

    This article describes the LHI funding process:

    Each submission must cost less than £11,000 total and while multiple related issues may be included in one submission they should be grouped by county ward (partly to make site visits easier). We should prepare an initial list of ideas by June of each year so that the site visits and liaising with local councillors, council officers, and other organisations can be completed by October. If we want to make more than one submission we will need a different co-sponsoring organisation for each submission as each organisation is only allowed one submission per year.

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  • Rumble strips instead of paint

    Created by Simon here // 2 threads

    Complete separation of cyclists and cars can't always be achieved. To make sharing of the road safer I would like to propose using rumble strips instead of flat paint to separate the bike lane from the rest of the road. It would act as a physical reminder for car-drivers that they are encroaching the bike lane. This happens particularly near pinch points like road bends or crossroads. So even just a selective application of rumble strips could have a very positive effect, I believe. What's the view of the cycling community? Has it been tested?

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  • DfT Cycling and Walking technical support

    Created by JohnP // 0 threads

    The Department for Transport is offering technical support for the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. Two questions.

    Do we know whether any of our Local Authorities plan to submit a request?
    Has any Local Authority consulted CamCycle about a request?

    They need to get a move on because the cut off for requests is 20 June.

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  • "Street Pod" cycle parking - your feedback please

    Created by Funrider // 1 thread

    What do you think of Street Pod cycle parking, as user or local authority installer?
    Street Pods enable you to secure front and back of standard-size cycle with only one lock.
    Is there an issue of keeping them clean and of the ease of getting bikes into position adjacent to others... They may be more obvious from a distance than hoops, but how do they look in a community streetscape?

    Photo shows pods north end of Peterborough bus station, installed abt 5 years ago.

    Comments, for or against Street Pods?

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  • Proposed Cycle Improvements to Eastfield Road

    Created by Peterborough Matt // 1 thread

    At the recent Cycle Forum meeting, PCC provided detailed plans of proposed improvements for cyclists along Eastfield Road, from the junction with Broadway to the junction with Oxney Road / Sainsburys turn off.

    I hope that PCC will forward the plans onto Cycle Forum members so everyone can have a detailed look, however, in the meantime I thought it may be useful to open this thread to begin an open discussion about our own views of Eastfield Road - what would we like to see, what do we think are the main issues?

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  • Loss of cycle parking on Long Causeway

    Created by MJR // 0 threads

    There's a plan to redesign this street which has quite a bit of covered cycle parking at the moment, but no cycle parking is shown on the proposed layout.

    An analysis appears at

    Comments on/to by 20 December

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  • A47 Alliance / Upgrade

    Created by MJR // 2 threads

    There is a group of councils and others (including the RAC) calling itself A47 Alliance with a website at calling for a road upgrade.

    The A47 is a significant barrier to cycling in many places, such as the single-carriageway stretch from Tilney All Saints near King's Lynn to Swaffham that blocks several desired east-west cycle routes - it is narrow with much heavy HGV traffic, so it's a challenge to cross and feels no fun for most people to ride along. It is possible that any upgrades could be "cycle-proofed" (to use current jargon) to unblock these routes.

    KLWNBUG has asked if CycleNation and CTC groups can be be invited to join the alliance.

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  • Fenland Cycling Program with Public Health

    Martin Lucas-Smith // 2 threads

    [Moved from another unrelated issue]

    Michael Cahn writes:

    "During the meeting with Public Health earlier this month, there was interest from officials when we raised the idea of a bike program in their Fenland focus area. I have now received a list of postcodes (PE13, PE15, PE16, PE7) and intend to see if we happen to have any members there, who could become the natural seed pod for a bicycle intervention program in their area, or advise on specific opportunities there."

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